Es war schon Nacht als sie sich der
Jugendstilvilla näherte. Sie war auf der suche nach ihrem nächsten
Opfer. Doch dies konnte nicht jeder sein.
Es war sein Geruch, der sie zu ihm zog.
Seine Sehnsüchte waren es, was ihr Kraft gab.Vor allem war es jedoch seine Angst die Sie zu ihm lockte. Angst des Verbotenen, das jedoch so gut war, dass man ihm nicht widerstehen konnte.
Sie war wie die Biene, die die
saftigste Blüte von allen aussuchen wollte.
Um sich an ihrem Fruchtnektar zu laben
und auf Nimmerwiedersehen zu verschwinden.Sobald sie fertig mit ihnen war, hatte sie nie wieder einen Gedanken an sie verschwendet.
Doch die Opfer, die behielten ein
Gefühl, als hätten sie etwas verloren. Seit dem Tag fehlte ihnen
etwas, was sie nicht mehr finden würden, nie wieder...
Ein Abend wie jeder andere auch, dachte
er sich.
Wie fast jeden Abend seit einem Jahr
saßen sie vor dem Fernseher. Es lief irgend ein Blödsinn im
Programm. Neben Sebastian saß seine geliebte „Bessere Hälfte“.
Doch ihre Besseren Zeiten waren nun auch schon eine Weile her.Sie, einmal so schön in seinen Augen, jetzt wie eine verblasste Erinnerung von dem was sie mal war. In ihrer bequemen Hose saß sie neben ihm, lustlos, ohne Interesse an dem, was ihm durch den Kopf ging.
Vor fünf Jahren sind sie
zusammengekommen. Kennengelernt hatten sie sich auf einer
Geburtstagsparty eines gemeinsamen Freundes. Sie war in seinen Augen
ein zartes Pflänzchen, die das Bedürfnis in ihm wach lockte, sich
um sie kümmern zu wollen.
Er wollte ihr starker Beschützer sein.
Jetzt hat sich das Blümchen zu einer verfaulenden Knospe entwickelt. Tief in ihm liebte er sie noch, doch begann er an seiner Liebe zu ihr zu zweifeln „sollte das alles gewesen sein?“ fragte er sich öfter den je in letzter Zeit.
Die ganzen Kleinigkeiten die ihm einmal
so lieb und teuer an ihr gewesen sind, waren die Gründe wieso sie
ihm jetzt auf die nerven ging. Er hasste ihre Abneigung sich die
grauen Haare zu färben, sich ihre Beine im Winter nicht zu rasieren.
„Ohne ist mir einfach zu kalt“, sagte sie ihm, wenn er sie darum
bat es doch zu tun.
Sie lebten in einer alten Villa im 19
Bez., in Wien, sie war unterteilt in drei Wohnungen, und die beiden
hatten sich letztes Jahr gemeinsam dafür entschieden
zusammenzuziehen und sie gekauft.
Doch das Zusammenziehen hatte er sich
anders Vorgestellt, ganz anders.Seine Gedanken wurde plötzlich durch ein komisches Gefühl unterbrochen.
Er hatte das Gefühl aufstehen zu
müssen und aus dem Fenster zu sehen, irgendwas sagte ihm, er muss
das jetzt machen.
„Lächerlich“, dachte er sich „was
sollte da schon sein, außer vielleicht Fr. Brenner, die mit ihrem
Dackel spazieren geht“. Er würde nicht hingehen, was für ein
lächerlicher Gedanke, dachte er sich.„Schau nachhhhhh“, Sebastian musste aufschrecken. „Was war das?“ fragte er seine Freundin.
„was war was?“
„hast du das nicht gehört? Da war
eine Stimme?“
„ach komm, du bist schon müde, geh
lieber schlafen“
Er schüttelte den Kopf und wendete
sich wieder dem Programm im TV zu.
„Sebassssssssstiaaan,kommm, ich warte
auf dichhh“
„Das gibt’s doch nicht! Hast du das
gehört?“, verunsichert stand er nun da, ängstlich und auch
„kooommmmmmm, ich warte auf
Nein, er hatte sich die Stimme
eindeutig nicht eingebildet, da war etwas und er musste herausfinden
was es war.
„Schatz, ich bringe den Müll raus!“,
war das erste was ihm eingefallen war, und er bereute es auch schon
im nächsten Moment.
„Du und Müll raus bringen, seit wann
machst du das freiwillig?“
„Ach komm, nicht schon wieder“, Sebastian ging ins Vorzimmer und sich seine Schuhe anzuziehen und hörte sie wider.
„Sebastiaaaaaannn, komm zu mir“
Er schnürte sich schnell die Schuhe zu und lief hinaus in den Garten, der Müll blieb da wo er war.
Als er durch die Hintertür den großen
Garten betrat, nahm er ein leichtes Leuchten war.
Es war fast nicht zu sehen, doch es
reichte aus um ihn zu folgenEin schmaler Schotterweg führte ihm zu einer Laube in der eine große Engelsfigur Stand.
„Hallo?!“, es war blöd von ihm,
wer sollte ihm auch antworten, ein Stück Stein?
„Hast du zu mir gesprochen oder bin
ich einfach kurz vor dem Durchdrehen?“, er lies seinen Kopf auf die
Brust sinken und drehte sich um um zu gehen.
Doch da stand ihm jemand im Weg.
Es war eine Frau.Ihre Haut war weiß wie Porzellan,und schimmerte durch die schwarzen Strümpfe die ihre Beine bedeckten. Er traute sich nicht seinen Blick sofort zu heben, so suchte er nun ihren Körper langsam nach oben mit Blicken ab.
Ihr Körper war in einem Nichts von
schwarzer Spitze gehüllt, ihre schwarzen langen Locken vielen ihr
über den Busen, ihre harten Nippel drückten fest durch den zarten Stoff.
„Hast du mich gerufen? Die Stimme vorher, warst du das?“
„Bist du dir sicher, dass ich es war
die "dich" gerufen hat? Sebastian, du hast mich gerufen bevor du
überhaupt wusstest das es mich gibt“
„Was? Wie? Was?! Ich kenn dich nicht
mal, wer bist du überhaupt?“
„Ich bin das, was bereits aus jeder
Pore deines Körpers schreit, du stinkst schon danach, nach deinen
unerfüllten Wünschen, deinen unerfüllten Gefühlen, all das, was
dir deine „zarte Blume“ nicht geben kann“
„Woher weißt du das?“
„Ich kann in deinen Gedanken lesen,
wie in einem Buch, da ist nichts was du von mir verbergen kannst mein
Liebling“, je öfter er sie ansah, desto stärker wuchs das Gefühl
der Unsicherheit in ihm.
„Und was willst du von mir?“,
fragte er
„Ich? Wieso ich? Du hast mich
gerufen, weißt du es nicht mehr?“, ihr Lächeln wurde noch breiter
und sie grinste über das ganze Gesicht, wie als hätte er ihr gerade
einen Witz erzählt und ihr keine Frage gestellt.
„Als du letzte Nacht geschlafen hast,
und nach einem schlimmen Traum aufgewacht bist, was hast du da zu dir
selbst gesagt?“
Er wusste genau wovon Sie sprach. In
der Nacht Träumte er, das er und Kamilla gemeinsame Kinder hatten,
und alle fünf rannten ihm mit weit aufgerissenen Mäulern, mit
spitzen Zähnen hinterher. Sie wollten ihn auffressen. Vom Traum
geschockt wachte er auf und sein erster Gedanke war...
„Oh Gott, hilf mir!“ beendete sie
den Satz, den er im Kopf begonnen hatte.
„Und nun Schickt Gott dich? Du siehst
nicht gerade wie ein Engel aus, eher das Gegenteil, obwohl so wunderschön“
„Tja, was soll ich dir sagen, nicht
nur Gott hört dir zu. Diesmal erreichte dein Flehen ein deutlich
tieferes, hmmm wie soll ichs am besten beschreiben.. sagen wir mal
so, in so einem Tiefen Loch würdest du nicht stecken wollen.“. Sie
lächelte ihm zu und verließ die Laube.
Er wollte ihr
hinterherlaufen und sie noch mehr fragen, doch sie war schon
verschwunden. Wie vom Erdboden verschluckt.
In Gedanken versunken schlenderte er
langsam zum Hintereingang des Hauses, leise drückte er die Klinke
runter und trat ein. Als er durch die Dunkelheit der Küche ging,
spürte er, wie er gegen etwas, was am Boden lag stieß. Es raschelte.
Als er den Lichtschalter berührte,
begann die Glühbirne zu glühen und er sah ein Zettel am Boden liegen, darauf war eine roter
Schrift zu lesen.
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a strange feeling.
He had to get up the feeling and look out the window, something told him that he must do it now.
"Ridiculous," he thought, "what should be there already, go except maybe Fri burners walking her dachshund". He would not go, what a ridiculous thought, he thought.
"What was what?"
"You did not hear that? There was a voice? "
"Oh come on, you're tired, go to sleep "
He shook his head and turned back to the program on TV.
"Sebassssssssstiaaan commme, I'm waiting for youuuu"
"This is just unreal! Did you hear that? ", He stood there confused, anxious and curious.
"Commmme, I wait for youuu"
No, he had not imagined the voice clearly, there was something, and he had to figure out what it was.
"Honey, I'll take out the garbage," was the first thing that comes on his mind, and he regretted it ind the next moment.
"You bring out the garbage? Since when do you do that?"
"Oh come on, not again," Sebastian went into the hall and put on his shoes.
"Sebastiaaaaaannn, come to me"
He tied fast to the shoes and ran out into the garden, the trash was there where it was.
As he walked through the back door to the large garden, he see a slight glow.
It was almost invisible, but it was enough to follow him
A narrow gravel path led him to a bower, and there it was a large angel figurine stand.
"Hello?", It was stupid of him, who should answer, a piece of stone?
"Did you talk to me or I'm just about to spin?" He let his head fall to his chest and turned to leave.
But then someone had stood in the way.
It was a woman.
Her skin was white as porcelain, and shone through the black stockings that covered her legs. He dared not lift his gaze immediately, he now sought her body slowly upwards with his eyes.
Her body was wrapped in a void of black lace. She had long black curls, and their lie on her breasts, her hard nipples pressed firmly throught the delicate fabric.
"Where are you going, Sebastian?" Her lips formed into a smile, as she pronounced it, but really they had not said anything, not a word had left her lips.
"Did you call me? The voice before, was that you? "
"Are you sure it was me who "called you"? Sebastian, you called me before you even knew that I exist "
"What? How? What? I know you? I do not even know who you are? "
"I am what already screaming from every pore of your body, you stink already, according to your unfulfilled desires, your unrequited feelings, everything what your "delicate flower" cann´t give you"
"How'd you know that?"
"I can read in your mind, like a book, there's nothing you can hide from me my darling," the more he looked at her, the stronger grew the feeling of insecurity in him.
"And what do you want from me?" He asked
"I? Why would I? You called me, cant you remember? ", Her smile widened and she grinned from ear to ear, as if he had just told her a joke and not asked her a question.
"When did you sleep last night, and woke up after a bad dream, what did you say to yourself?"
He knew exactly what she was talking about. That night he dreamed that he and Camilla had children together, and all five were running after him, with wide-open mouths and sharp teeth . They wanted to eat him. Shocked by the dream he woke up and his first thought was ...
"Oh God, help me," she finished the sentence, he had begun in the head.
"And now God Sends you? You do not look just like an angel, rather the opposite, though so beautiful "
"Well, what can I say, not only God listens to you. This time your prayer reached a much deeper, hmmm how shall I best describe .. let's say so, in such a deep hole you would not want to stick. ". She smiled at him and left the porch.
He wanted to run after her and ask her more, but she was already gone. Swallowed up by the earth.
Deep in thought, he walked slowly to the back entrance of the house, he quietly pushed down the latch and entered. As he walked through the darkness of the kitchen, he felt like he bumped into something that was on the ground. It rustled.
As he touched the light switch, the light bulb began to glow, and he saw a note on the floor, it was a red font to read.
It was already night
when she joined the Art Nouveau villa. She was on the search for her
next victim. But this could not be any.
It was his smell, what show her the way to him. His aspirations was what gave her strength.
Above all, however, it was his fear that attracted him. Fear of the forbidden, but that was to good tot resist.
She was like the bee that wanted to pick the juiciest of all flowers.
In order to feast on their nectar and disappear to no return.
Once she was done with them, she had never wasted a thought on one of them.
But the victim, he kept a feeling as if he had lost something. Since the day they lacked something that they would not find, never again ...
An evening like everyone else, he thought.
Like almost every night for a year, they sat watching television. There was some nonsense in the program. Sebastian sat next to his beloved "Better Half". But the better times were now quite a while ago.
She, once so beautiful in his eyes, as now a faded memory of what it once was.
It was his smell, what show her the way to him. His aspirations was what gave her strength.
Above all, however, it was his fear that attracted him. Fear of the forbidden, but that was to good tot resist.
She was like the bee that wanted to pick the juiciest of all flowers.
In order to feast on their nectar and disappear to no return.
Once she was done with them, she had never wasted a thought on one of them.
But the victim, he kept a feeling as if he had lost something. Since the day they lacked something that they would not find, never again ...
An evening like everyone else, he thought.
Like almost every night for a year, they sat watching television. There was some nonsense in the program. Sebastian sat next to his beloved "Better Half". But the better times were now quite a while ago.
She, once so beautiful in his eyes, as now a faded memory of what it once was.
In her comfortable
pants she sat beside him, listless, with no interest in what was
going through his head.
Five years ago, they came together. They had met at a birthday party of a mutual friend She was in his eyes a tender plant, which the need to care for
He wanted to be her strong protector.
Now the flower has become a rotting bud. Deep inside him, he still loved her, but he began to doubt his love for her "was that all?," he asked himself more than ever lately.
All the little things that are so dear to him, become reasons why he dont like her. He hated that her dislike dye her gray hair, not shave her legs in the winter. "Without its too cold," she said to him when he asked her to shave it.
They lived in an old mansion in the 19 district, in Vienna, it was divided into three apartments, and the two had made the decision to live together and they decided to buy the flat.
But since they moving together, she got different.
Five years ago, they came together. They had met at a birthday party of a mutual friend She was in his eyes a tender plant, which the need to care for
He wanted to be her strong protector.
Now the flower has become a rotting bud. Deep inside him, he still loved her, but he began to doubt his love for her "was that all?," he asked himself more than ever lately.
All the little things that are so dear to him, become reasons why he dont like her. He hated that her dislike dye her gray hair, not shave her legs in the winter. "Without its too cold," she said to him when he asked her to shave it.
They lived in an old mansion in the 19 district, in Vienna, it was divided into three apartments, and the two had made the decision to live together and they decided to buy the flat.
But since they moving together, she got different.
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a strange feeling.
He had to get up the feeling and look out the window, something told him that he must do it now.
"Ridiculous," he thought, "what should be there already, go except maybe Fri burners walking her dachshund". He would not go, what a ridiculous thought, he thought.
"What was that?"
He asked his girlfriend.
"What was what?"
"You did not hear that? There was a voice? "
"Oh come on, you're tired, go to sleep "
He shook his head and turned back to the program on TV.
"Sebassssssssstiaaan commme, I'm waiting for youuuu"
"This is just unreal! Did you hear that? ", He stood there confused, anxious and curious.
"Commmme, I wait for youuu"
No, he had not imagined the voice clearly, there was something, and he had to figure out what it was.
"Honey, I'll take out the garbage," was the first thing that comes on his mind, and he regretted it ind the next moment.
"You bring out the garbage? Since when do you do that?"
"Oh come on, not again," Sebastian went into the hall and put on his shoes.
"Sebastiaaaaaannn, come to me"
He tied fast to the shoes and ran out into the garden, the trash was there where it was.
As he walked through the back door to the large garden, he see a slight glow.
It was almost invisible, but it was enough to follow him
A narrow gravel path led him to a bower, and there it was a large angel figurine stand.
"Hello?", It was stupid of him, who should answer, a piece of stone?
"Did you talk to me or I'm just about to spin?" He let his head fall to his chest and turned to leave.
But then someone had stood in the way.
It was a woman.
Her skin was white as porcelain, and shone through the black stockings that covered her legs. He dared not lift his gaze immediately, he now sought her body slowly upwards with his eyes.
Her body was wrapped in a void of black lace. She had long black curls, and their lie on her breasts, her hard nipples pressed firmly throught the delicate fabric.
"Where are you going, Sebastian?" Her lips formed into a smile, as she pronounced it, but really they had not said anything, not a word had left her lips.
"Did you call me? The voice before, was that you? "
"Are you sure it was me who "called you"? Sebastian, you called me before you even knew that I exist "
"What? How? What? I know you? I do not even know who you are? "
"I am what already screaming from every pore of your body, you stink already, according to your unfulfilled desires, your unrequited feelings, everything what your "delicate flower" cann´t give you"
"How'd you know that?"
"I can read in your mind, like a book, there's nothing you can hide from me my darling," the more he looked at her, the stronger grew the feeling of insecurity in him.
"And what do you want from me?" He asked
"I? Why would I? You called me, cant you remember? ", Her smile widened and she grinned from ear to ear, as if he had just told her a joke and not asked her a question.
"When did you sleep last night, and woke up after a bad dream, what did you say to yourself?"
He knew exactly what she was talking about. That night he dreamed that he and Camilla had children together, and all five were running after him, with wide-open mouths and sharp teeth . They wanted to eat him. Shocked by the dream he woke up and his first thought was ...
"Oh God, help me," she finished the sentence, he had begun in the head.
"And now God Sends you? You do not look just like an angel, rather the opposite, though so beautiful "
"Well, what can I say, not only God listens to you. This time your prayer reached a much deeper, hmmm how shall I best describe .. let's say so, in such a deep hole you would not want to stick. ". She smiled at him and left the porch.
He wanted to run after her and ask her more, but she was already gone. Swallowed up by the earth.
Deep in thought, he walked slowly to the back entrance of the house, he quietly pushed down the latch and entered. As he walked through the darkness of the kitchen, he felt like he bumped into something that was on the ground. It rustled.
As he touched the light switch, the light bulb began to glow, and he saw a note on the floor, it was a red font to read.
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